The path back to exponential

Hexa Scale

We empower founders to put their linear-growth, high-potential companies back on an exponential trajectory.

For the companies that have carved out a small place for themselves but want to explode it, we bring the expertise, hands-on involvement, and capital to give you back the chance of becoming a category leader.

Scale your

How it works

At Hexa, we're more than investors or advisors – we're your late-stage co-founders.
For over a decade, we've been in the trenches, building alongside founders like you. We share in the daily grind, the highs, the lows. Our deep commitment and hands-on approach are what allow us to take your company further, together.

We strategize

We create a new strategy to put your business on an exponential trajectory, aligning with your long-term objectives and market dynamics.


Offering liquidity for those planning an exit and strategic investments for growth, we pave the way for your company's next phase of market expansion and development.

We execute

We are on the ground for up to 18 months, day in day out. We leverage our in-house experts in Product, Go-to-Market, and more, and bring in senior talent to execute your vision.

help with M&A

When the time comes, we help you reach the next milestone of your equity journey, be it a new financing round or an exit.

Our first company


Joining Hexa truly felt like a fresh start. The entire team shared this mindset of diving into something completely new. Hexa equipped us with the necessary tools and methodologies to propel Yousign forward and establish it as a major European contender. I have no doubt that Hexa Scale will assist many entrepreneurs in reaching their highest aspirations.

Luc Pallavidino

What we look for

B2B software companies

You are ideally a SaaS company in the B2B space, wherein our 12+ years of expertise lies.

High potential

You work on a huge opportunity and have just begun tapping into the potential of your market.

Product market fit

You have demonstrated PMF with €1-10M revenue.

A problem still to crack

Your product, go-to-market strategy, operations, or something else need rethinking to get you on the road to hypergrowth.

Capital efficiency

Your company is relatively capital efficient and a clear path to profitability can be designed.

I’ve been building companies for the last 15 years. For my last venture, we ended up in a financing no-man’s land, which led us to a fire sale. Like many, we were confronted with very narrow support options: to stay on the VC track, you need continuous hypergrowth, while you need to settle for slow, linear growth to go down the self-financing or Private Equity route. By acting as a late co-founder, Hexa Scale offers a third path.

Augustin Celier

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